Madeline Lane is a freelance journalist, copywriter, and digital content creator, based in Bristol.
While studying for her BA Hons in English Literature (2.1) from the University of Bristol (2021), she developed a writing style that is eloquent yet concise, weaving clarity with creativity to generate compelling content.
Her stress-management column for the established University of Bristol publication, Epigram, and her contributions to the global online magazine, Her Campus, were commended by both editorial teams. This was substantiated when, in a worldwide awards ceremony across all Her Campus chapters, her ‘Switch Off Saturdays’ article was presented second place for Best Lifestyle Feature.
Madeline provides website content writing services with a focus on SEO-based content writing, optimizing engagement and turning visitors into leads. For freelance online marketing services, web content writing, article writing or a social media revamp, get in touch here.